You’ve worked hard on your code, and want to protect it from prying eyes. The code might also include assets such as API credentials that need safeguarding.
The Intel Tamper Protection Toolkit, currently in beta, is designed to protect your source code and enables your game to be monitored. The goal is to prevent observation and reverse-engineering for binaries running on Intel Architecture devices.
To see how the tool works in practice, check out this step-by-step guide. Here, the toolkit is applied using a simple Android sample application with native C/C++ code.
You can read the documentation for the Intel Tamper Protection Toolkit here.
The Intel Tamper Protection Toolkit is available to download for free, so why not try it out?
This blog post is written bySofttalkblog, and is sponsored by the Intel Developer Zone, which helps you to develop, market and sell software and apps for prominent platforms and emerging technologies powered by Intel Architecture.