Chet Faliszek joins Bossa Studios

Former Valve writer Chet Faliszek, one of the creative minds behind the Portal and Left 4 Dead series, as well as the Half Life 2 episodes, has joined Bossa Studios.

Faliszek accounted the move via Twitter last night and also announced that he will be working on an unannounced title at the studio.

Faliszek left Valve earlier this year, after transitioning to a role as VR ambassador following his writing work with the developer. His leaving was one of many moves as most of the writing team Valve employed slowly departed the company.

This new move follows recent investment in Bossa Studios. The London-based developer raised $10 million from a recent series A funding round with the exact purpose of recruitment and working on AI. Bossa will also be operating in Seattle where Faliszek will be based.

Bossa Studios is currently working on Worlds Adrift, a game that uses the SpatialOS engine from developers, Improbable. 

Faliszek’s recent work in VR did lead to questions on whether this was a VR project with Bossa, but the writer confirmed on Twitter that this was not a VR project, although there would still be some projects in the pipeline.

The announcement caught the industry a little bit by surprise, although it appears that no one was as surprised as Boris the cat.

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